Equity Circles
The M.S.D. of Wayne Township's current efforts include:
Staff (Staff Equity Circle)
Wayne Community (Equity Community Circles)
These events will include a panel of knowledgeable personnel addressing relevant questions on how equity shapes our classroom instruction and relationships among staff and students.
These events are recorded and can be viewed on demand.
Staff Circles
Our staff events are organized around a specific theme. Please see our past Staff Circle events and replay the videos uploaded to our Equity YouTube channel.
A Staff Circle Conversation for Equity : Voices of Black Educators
Monday, February 22, 2021 4:30-5:30
Our panelists go deeper in their understanding of what it means to be a black educator in today’s society.
Please view our panelists:
Mr. Dante Brown, Administrator, Ben Davis
Mr. Damon Black, Administrator, Lynhurst
Ms. Melony Boyd, Instructional Coach, Elementary
Mr. Stephen Jackson, Social Worker, EDC
Mr. David Johnson, Math Teacher, Lynhurst
Ms. Jennifer McCann Thomas, Former ESL Teacher, Westlake
Ms. Takeshia Reed, Thrive Teacher, Ben Davis
Ms. Faith Sherrill, Kindergarten Teacher, North Wayne
Mr. Sherman Woodard, Moderator
We thank our panelists in advance for their willingness to be transparent and vulnerable as they share their experiences with us
Aretha Britton, Principal, Rhoades Elementary
Meagan Campbell, Assistant Principal, Lynhurst 7th and 8th Grade Center
Dominic Day, Secondary Curriculum Coordinator, Education Center
Jake Dewitt, Elementary teacher, Robey Elementary
Stephen Gardner, Curriculum Coordinator, Education Center
Jennifer McCann, Former EL Teacher
Dr. Anne Olson, Elementary Curriculum Coordinator, Education Center
Matt Smith, Social Studies Teacher, Ben Davis High School,
Judy Stegemann, Former Assistant Superintendent for Academics
Sherman Woodard, Guidance Director, Ben Davis High School
Dante Brown, Special Services, Ben Davis High School
Monday, August 3, 2020 from 3:30 - 4:30 pm.
Title: How to Talk about Race & Racism: We Can’t Ignore the Elephant in the Classroom.
Students will be returning to us, virtually or in person on August 12, 2020. Our last in person interaction with many of them was in March. Since that time, we have had two pandemics: Covid19 and Racism. Our children have overheard, witnessed, or have personally been impacted by either one of them or both. We can not pretend nor should we believe that we can go back to business as usual. As a staff member of the MSD of Wayne Township what you believe, say, and do, matters to our children. Come and hear how Cabinet, administrators, teachers, and staff members share best practices on how to facilitate meaningful, productive conversations about the “elephant in the classroom.” Whether the elephant is registered for your class or not, he/she will be there on day one.
Click here for the recording: https://youtu.be/_7DF52XExTw?list=PL9UBos5n5PLDyLWnx3QHd2mXSxh2CUWKR
Dr. Jeff Butts, Superintendent of Schools, MSD of Wayne Township
Mr. Don Carlisle, Head Coach Boys Basketball, Ben Davis High School
Ms. Pennie Gregory, Former Assistant Director, Office of Special Services
Mr. William Esquivel, LAP Parent Liaison, Education Center
Mr. Kelin Mark, Principal, Chapel Hill 7th and 8th Grade Center
Dr. Dennisha Murff, Principal, Westlake Elementary School
Sergeant Eugene Smith, School Resource Officer, Ben Davis Ninth Grade Center
Dr. Shenia Suggs, Assistant Superintendent for Human Resources, MSD of Wayne Township
Mr. Nathaniel Waterfill, Social Studies Teacher, Chapel Hill 7th and 8th Grade Center
Mrs. Lindsey Wey, Assistant Principal, North Wayne Elementary School
The following questions will be addressed:
How might SEL be different for our black and brown children?
As building level administrators, why do you encourage these conversations in your building? What is the role of building level leadership?
How does and how should a teacher prepare for students when they return?
Real teacher concerns: How can what a teacher say or do end them in the HR Office? What are some things teachers or administrators have to keep in mind when having these conversations knowing some parents may not desire for schools to get involved?
How do I, as a teacher, moderate conversations in class between students with opposing views on race?